
Maayong adlaw, Ilonggo’s~!

Club Audition is coming to your place!

See you all at Acclaim Iloilo this April 8, 2018. Save the date!



Here are just some of the amazing events we have in store for you:

  • Early Bird Door Prize for current users
  • Welcome Package for new users
  • Iloilo Mini Tournament


Read more about them below:

Early Bird Door Prize for current users


Welcome Package for new users

  • Exclusive Indefinite Costume Set
  • Exclusive Audition Logo
  • Exclusive Hand Accessory and Pet


Iloilo Mini Tournament

Gather your team and prepare yourselves for the showdown that will fire up the dance floor!!!


  • For all Audistas in Iloilo

Registration Time

  • 10AM ~ 2PM


  •  The player must register to the event area. Slot reservation is not allowed.
  • Only 24 players will be allowed to join.
  • Participants will be using their personal accounts in the tournament.
  • All decisions made by the tournament facilitator is final
  • Strict compliance of the “headphones off’ and “hands off keyboards” policy before and after each song


Round 1

  • Normal Mode – Single
  • Sync-8
  • Random Music ~120
  • No Chance

Round 2

  • Normal Mode – Single
  • Sync-8
  • Random Music 120~140
  • No Chance

Round 3

  • Normal Mode – Single
  • CC8
  • Random Music 120~140
  • No Chance



  • Indefinite Unreleased Set
  • Indefinite Back Accessory
  • 1 Year DJ

1st Runner Up

  • Indefinite Back Accessory
  • 1 Year DJ

2nd Runner Up

  • 1 Year DJ

Participation Prize

  • 30D Sheep Emoticon