
Heya Audistas, in celebration of our commercial launch, we will be giving away a EXCLUSIVE SET WITH SPECIAL EFFECTS to welcome our NEW AUDITION NEXT LEVEL PLAYERS~ What are you waiting for? Go and create a nee account and character from May 2 – May 31! See you in-game, Audistas!


  1. Open to all players with newly created characters in-game this COMMERCIAL LAUNCH.
  2. Event will run from May 2, 2018 to May 31, 2018
  3. Players must reach level 5 during the event duration.
  4. All prizes would be inserted within 30 days after the event.

Like our OFFICIAL PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/audinextlevel/


  • For female characters: Special Avatar Set with effects (Permanent)
  • For male characters: Special Avatar Set with effects (Permanent)