Get this Exclusive Wings when you Purchase 80,000 CASH worth of items in the shopping mall, Gifting, Couple Garden and mascot salon.
Permanent Nautrical Bow
- Tier 1 = Purchase 30,000 CASH worth of items in the shopping mall = 7 Days Nautrical Bow
- Tier 2 = Purchase 60,000 CASH worth of items in the shopping mall = 30 Days Nautrical Bow
- Tier 3 = Purchase 80,000 CASH worth of items in the shopping mall = Permanent Nautrical Bow
Promo duration: December 19,12 AM – December 24, 2019, 11:59 PM only~!
Participants must only purchase on the item category below:
Shopping Mall – Hair, Face, Upper Garment, Lower Garment, Shoes, Set, Item, Pet, Motion, Hardware, Emoticon, Accessory, Mark, Musical Instruments
Couple Shop – Hair, Upper Garment, Lower Garment, Shoes, Set, Pet, Accessory, Mark, Ring, Couple Certificate, Couple Item, Couple Room
Couple Garden – Seeds, Accessory, Management/Care Items, Items
Mascot Salon – Mascot, Hair, Upper Garment, Under Garment, Shoes, Set, Accessory, Item(Starting September 27)