Get this Exclusive Bear when you Purchase 80,000 CASH worth of items in the shopping mall, Gifting, Couple Garden and mascot salon.
Permanent Princess Bear for Female and Royal Prince Bear for Male.
Promo duration: January 8,12 AM – January 12, 2020, 11:59 PM only~!
Participants must only purchase on the item category below:
Shopping Mall – Hair, Face, Upper Garment, Lower Garment, Shoes, Set, Item, Pet, Motion, Hardware, Emoticon, Accessory, Mark, Musical Instruments
Couple Shop – Hair, Upper Garment, Lower Garment, Shoes, Set, Pet, Accessory, Mark, Ring, Couple Certificate, Couple Item, Couple Room
Couple Garden – Seeds, Accessory, Management/Care Items, Items
Mascot Salon – Mascot, Hair, Upper Garment, Under Garment, Shoes, Set, Accessory, Item(Starting September 27)