
Clubbers and Audistas,

Kindly take note that the game service will be down on the 13th of February 2020 from 6AM-onwards for a server maintenance. For more details about the patch update, check out the details below.

I.Game Updates

New Songs

Fashion Mall Items

Female Items

Female Outlet Items

Male Items

Male Outlet Items

Couple Shop Items

II. Bugs

  • Couple Garden Expansion: Refrain from re-purchasing the Couple Garden Expansions once you have already purchased it. This issue is already forwarded to the developers to fix the issue.
  • FAM Attendance Bug

III.GM Daily Events

IV. Premium Rewards 2

Help us make Audition Next Level a better place by reporting bugs, issues and event rewards follow-ups at https://www.playpark.com/en-sg/help/ibox

Happy Dancing Clubbers and Audistas!