- Must be level 10 and above.
Game Mode
- Beat Up – 8 direction
- Eliminations: Random Normal
- Semi Finals: Random Hard
- Finals: Random All
Server and Channel
- Jukebox Server – Guitar Channel
Date and Time
- May 20,2020 at 8PM GMT +8
- A maximum of 24 players may join the tournament.
- There will be 3 major rounds, the Eliminations, Semi-finals & Finals.
- During the first round, the top 2 players from each 6-man group will advance to the semi-finals. In the semi-finals, the top 3 players from each group will then move on to the finals. During the finals, the final 6 players will battle it out for the championship. Final Round will be ONE ROUND ONLY. The best player with highest score will be declared as winner.
- No registration. The first six (6) players who will be able to enter the room will be the participants. Participants who will be eliminated on the Elimination Round are not allowed to join again to the next Elimination Rounds.
- Password will be announced in-game via Bulletin.
- If one of the participants gets disconnected, he/she will be eliminated from that round and not allowed to return to the dance floor. Battle will still proceed.
- Using 3rd Party program will result to player disqualification and account suspension will be placed.
- The decision of tournament facilitator is final. Players behaving inappropriately or violating any of the rules will be penalized as the Facilitators see fit.

- Indefinite Children’s Day Set
- 150,000 In-Game Cash

- 7 Days Faith Flamingo Wings (w/ flying effect)

Rewards will be inserted manually within 15 days after the event.