

  • Level 5 and above


  • Every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 5:30 PM (GMT +8)

Server and Channel:

  • Jukebox; Guitar

General Rules:

  • Players may only win once per event.
  • Players caught cheating or behaving inappropriately will be penalized as the GM Facilitators deem fit.
  • Disconnection (ALT F4/Manual DC/Internet Issues) will lead to the disqualification.
  • Participants must follow the rules set forth by the GM Facilitator.
  • The decisions of the GM Facilitators and officials are all FINAL.
  • All rewards will be given within 15 days. (Voucher Codes)

Team Dance Revolt

  • Sunday
  • Mode: Team Mode – Crazy Choreography 4 Keys
  • Song: Random 120~140 BPM
  • Chance: Off Reverse
  • Insane: Off
  • Map: Random
  • Rule: Team with the higest score wins.
  • Reward: 30 Days Audition Show DJ

Perfect Champion

  • Monday
  • Mode: Perfect Champion – 4 keys
  • Song: Random
  • Chance: N/A
  • Insane: N/A
  • Map: Random
  • Rule: Player with the highest score wins.
  • Reward: 30 Days Mysterious Magical Platform

Beat Me Up

  • Wednesday
  • Mode: Beat Up
  • Song: Random Normal
  • Chance: Off Reverse
  • Insane: Off
  • Map: Random
  • Rule: Player with the highest number of cool wins.
  • Reward: 7 Days Superstar Mark

Love Love Mode

  • Sunday
  • Mode: Club Dance II – 4 direction
  • Song: Random 100~120
  • Chance: N/A
  • Insane: N/A
  • Map: Club SH
  • Rule: Team/Couple with the highest number of hearts will be the winners.
  • Reward: 30 Days Pooh Bear

Krazy GM Juukyi

  • Sunday
  • Mode: Crazy Choreography 8
  • Song: Random 120~140
  • Chance: Off Reverse
  • Insane: ON
  • Map: Random
  • Rule: Player with the highest score wins.
  • Reward: 30 Days Town Idol Jindo Ming/Kun

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