

Let’s congratulate the Couple of the Month on this May, Xaivier and Bhyy! Check out their kilig love story below :

“How long have you been playing ANL as a couple?”

3 months and many more to come.

“Tell us your LOVE Story”

It all started with the AFK Story way back October 2021 where in I got to accidentally drop by on their password room when she was still in ZeroGravity Family. Then, I told her can I stay in their afk room coz I’m gonna cook my breakfast. (I was still onboard the ship that time) So, she and her friend in that room was shookt like how did this guy figured the password of the room but well they did not mind me for that. After a month that was November 2021, we started playing together with some friends and since her FC was not that active, I acted as her FC since I am also a Spenderist like her so we matched couple sets inside the game back then. On the month of December 2021, me and my couple fought and ended up splitting the ring. So when Christmas time, I was literally sad but there is this girl (Bhyy) who approached me and told me that I promised that we will play in game next time we had the same sched. And so we played for almost the days I was in Japan port. Now, we’ve thought why not lets be friendly couple since were both spenders and were not committed to anyone. So, yeah we turned out from being friends to couple in game and got married in game December 27, 2021. A month after that was January 18, 2022 this year, we finally decided mutually to make it official for us. And this March 2022 were on our third month and still we are growing stronger in love. We may have imperfections or things we argue but we settle it and compromise. What we love both is food trip and playing Audition Next Level together. We do challenge each other while on game as to the winner would get a kiss or a food order. Funny but sweet that I could not ask for more from my friend, my couple, my lover and hopefully my wife someday. I love you Bhyy, you’re more than enough for me and I thank God for giving you to me. Let’s keep our love burning with passion, honesty and strong trust.

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