
Hi Audistas,

Check out who stole the spotlight for June’s Featured FAM – ggty! Know more about them below

“Who is the FAM Master?”


“Who are the Officers?”

Gnocco, 0b, Reni, Wia, Haron, teph, toph, Eroi, nagimasen, Zan

“Who are the Members?”

Azey, Morena, Gatchi, Heren, Cleene, Noxeuz, KAAAAI, Yujinnie, elio, haoyi, Ceddi, ie

Tell us your FAM Background/History”

Ggty actually started with a different name. It began when my best friends, boyfriend, and I decided to establish our own fam where we can keep our circle small but close. A family where we may openly express ourselves and our thoughts without fear of being judged. Back then we only played when we had the chance. Up until there were only 3 of us left active, and we would often play fambat for 6 hours straight without any sub. We’re competitive as hell.

Not to other players but among ourselves. And we would jokingly say that “ggty” is our “secret weapon” when we would constantly lose. That’s when we decided to rename our fam as ggty. We currently have 20 semi-active members, including me. Some of them were friends of friends and some started as hugot for our fambats who stayed for good. Just recently, we even had members who came from Redbana.

I honestly didn’t expect our fam to grow this much, but I’m glad it did. I know that ggty isn’t as active nor as big as other fams, but that’s how I wanted our fam to be. Even if we aren’t that active I know that we will still remain friends even outside ANL. My friends are the reason why ggty became close to my heart. And I will be forever grateful for them. Love you ggty fam! ❤️

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