
Hi Audistas,

Meet our ANL’s Crush Ng Bayan for the month of April 2023, scotch!

What to know more? Check out the details below:


“Please introduce yourself.”

Hi! My name is James and my ign is scotch! 28years old, currently living in Dubai.

“Where did you know ANL?

My classmate introduced me this game when I was in highschool.

“What do you like in ANL?

I like playing S8 and C8 with my bestfriend and friends. I like and love buying as well most of the spend items.

“Which game mode do you usually play?”

S8 and C8

“Tell us your likes and dislikes.”

Well aside from playing games sa PC and sa phone, I really like eating and trying out different food and reading books and manga.

Regarding ANL Likes and Dislike; I like ANL for being one of my theraphy. Dislikes? Hmm, I dont like toxic people. Regarding my personal likes and dislike; I like spending my time alone in my room and playing ANL while drinking whisky <3 I don’t like negative vibes!

“Are you single?”


“Where can we follow you?”


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