Jan 18, 2019 | Events

Get this Exclusive Permanent Item when you Purchase 35,000 CASH worth of items in the shopping mall, Gifting and Couple Garden.

Pink Piggy Bank Hand Accessory 
Promo duration: January 19, 12 AM – January 24, 2018, 7:59 AM only~!
Insertion Duration: 7 To 14 Working Days (Saturday Sunday and Holidays are not counted)
Jan 15, 2019 | Events, Notice
Audistas, expect for more awesome updates this 2019 and let’s start it with the #ANL2019 New Client!

#ANL2019 New Client will give you a much better gaming experience not just by the new items offered but also with our new and improved game protection powered by EAC (Easy Anti-Cheat).
Cheats and cheaters will cry-out-loud because EAC will block them away, Yes, EAC won’t allow them to play and enjoy Audition Next Level. Better be clear because if you are, EAC offers you clean and skill-based gaming that you will surely enjoy!
If you have decided to move on and start the new “you”, you can visit any of these links to open happiness:
Google Drive – http://bit.ly/ANLNewClientGDrive
Mega – http://bit.ly/ANLNewClientMEGA
OneDrive – http://bit.ly/ANLNewClientOneDrive
And of course, you need to be guided!
Guessing won’t help, here’s the proper way on How to Install New Game Client – http://bit.ly/ANLNewClientInstallationGuide
Sometimes you just need to read before you ask so visit EAC FAQs – http://bit.ly/ANLEasyAntiCheatFAQ to know more. 😛
To enjoy our #ANL2019 New Edition update, don’t hesitate to join our in-game and online events because we have it all for you~
Watch out for more #ANLUpdates and share you #ANLMoments with us!
See you on the dance floor!

Jan 12, 2019 | Events

Annyeong Audistas!
Everyone was once a newbie, but sooner or later you will become a pro.
Register now in-game and Get this PERMANENT Cool Hip Hop Set for free.
- Open to all players with newly created characters in-game this January.
- The event will run from January 1, 2019, to January 31, 2019.
- Players must reach level 5.
- All prizes would be inserted within 30 days after the event.
Like our OFFICIAL PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/audinextlevel/
Jan 9, 2019 | Events, Notice

Hey Audistas,
Let’s kick off the New Year with new town deco, new Fashion Mall avatar items and more! Check out the patch notes for the full list. See you in game!
I. Game Updates
Audition Town Deco

Mall Deco

Room Deco

Limited Edition Items



Upper Garment


Under Garment






II. Events

II. #ANL2019 New Edition Part 2 (EAC, Avatar Items and Music)

Jan 9, 2019 | Events

Let’s welcome this January 2019 with an exciting in-game events in Audition Next Level dance floor together with our GMs!
- Event time: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat and Sun at 17:00-1800 hrs GMT +8
- Note: Due to the scheduled maintenance every Thursday, we do not have any GM in-game event for the mentioned day.
- 8 rounds will be conducted.
General Rules:
- Players may only win once per event.
- Players caught cheating or behaving inappropriately will be penalized as the GM Facilitators deem fit.
- Disconnection (ALT F4/Manual DC/Internet Issues) will lead to the disqualification.
- Participants must follow the rules set forth by the GM Facilitator.
- The decisions of the GM Facilitators and officials are all FINAL.

- Perfect Champion – 4 keys
- Random Music
- Highest perfect combo will get the prize. In case of tie, highest score will be the winner.
- Prize: 30D DJ Luxury voucher

- SB-Boy Battle – 4 keys
- Random Music
- Highest team score will be the winners.
- Prize: 30D Pooh Bear Pet voucher

- Rhythm holic
- Random Music
- Highest score will be the winner.
- Prize: 30D Funky Red Seahorse voucher

- Block Beat
- Random Music
- Highest team score will be the winners.
- Prize: 30 Senior Prom Style Set voucher

- Shooting Star – Hard
- Random Music
- Highest score will be the winner.
- Prize: 30D Honey Bunny voucher

- Night – 4 keys
- Random Music
- Highest team score will be the winners.
- Prize: 30D Sleeping Boy/Girl Face
Jan 8, 2019 | Events

Davao – HQ ESPORTS HUB MT.APO – January 13,2019
Registration: 1:00PM– 2:00PM
Start: 2:00PM-5:00PM
Gensan – HQ ESPORTS HUB GEN SAN -January 19 2019
Registration: 1:00PM – 2:00pm
Start 2:00 PM – 5:00PM
Butuan – January 19, 2019
Registration: 1:00PM – 2:00pm
Start 2:00 PM – 5:00PM.
Cebu – Voyager- Janauary 26,2019
Registration: 1:00PM– 2:00PM
Start: 2:00PM-5:00PM
- Only eight (8) Team will be allowed to register for each setting.
- Registration will be done during the event. All team members must be present during the registration.
- All decisions made by the Tournament Facilitators are final.
- Strict compliance of the “headphones off’ and “hands off keyboards” policy before and after each song
- Number of Round: 1
- Mode: Team – D8
- Change Level: Level 3
- Music: Random 120bpm ~ 140bpm
- Number of Round: 1
- Mode: Team – C4
- Chance: Reverse
- Change Level: Level 3
- Music: Random 120bpm ~ 140bpm
- BEST OF FIVE; First to win 3 rounds will be the winner
- Mode: Team – C8
- Chance: Bomb
- Change Level: Level 3
- Music: Random 140bpm~
- 1st RunnerUP
- 2nd RunnerUP
Disqualification Rules:
- Players who are not present and/or not able to register during the given time will be disqualified
- Intentional disconnection (ALT F4/Manual DC) will lead to the forfeiture of the match.
- If he/she used the modified game client, third-party software or programs during the match that are not made, not affiliated and not being distributed by the game developer or any Playpark Staff. Always bear in mind that the only LEGAL programs are the GAME CLIENT and its HACK PROTECTION SOFTWARE itself.
- PlayPark Inc. and officials ofPlaypark shall reserve the right to suspend, ban, and/or punish a player or clan without prior notice for any violation as they deem necessary.
- Playpark Inc. and officials of Playpark has the right to hold and not to give all prizes of disqualified teams.
- Playpark and officials of Playpark have the right to change/delete portions/expound/clarify/interpret tournament rules depending on circumstances as they see fit for a fair and balanced tournament environment.
- The decision of the tournament officials IS FINAL.