

Audition Next Level is a downloadable multiplayer online casual rhythm game produced by T3 Entertainment. It was originally released in South Korea and has been localized by various publishers around the world. It aims to provide improved game quality and enhanced multi-layer security which includes features never seen in the local servers.



A player is allowed to create a room or join a room. The “DJ” (the player who creates the room) is given power to choose the settings for the room: song, “chance,” and game mode. The song’s BPM (beats per minute) usually will determine the song’s difficulty and speed (with certain exceptions e.g. beat up mode). While the “DJ” has the power to kick people out of the room and close the dance floor off, he or she will generally not benefit from doing so. After all, the most appealing part of the game is its social aspect: playing alongside others whether for fun or competition.

The basic game is played by pressing the arrows displayed on the screen (with the exception of red “chance” arrows) and pressing the spacebar or the control key on every 4th beat of the song. The more accurately the spacebar or control key is pressed, the higher the score. A grade of “PERFECT” will provide players with the greatest score, a grade of “GREAT” and “COOL” will provide players with decent scores, a grade of “BAD” will provide players with very little score, and for “MISS” will provide players with no score for the turn. If a player receives a “MISS,” he will not get the chance to play for the next move.

The “Finish Move,” a special move during most gameplay modes, can be said the hardest move. If a person does not miss the move before the “Finish Move,” he has the option to do it. Finish moves issue a lot of points and can often be the key to success.

When a player does 2 or more PERFECTs consecutively, he will get bonus points for doing so. These PERFECT combos (or “Perfect chains”) enable players to interfere with the opposition. A blue circle indicates that you made a PERFECT in your move and acts as a shield. When a player performs a PERFECT X1 (or perfect X2 in some cases), he will make the players ahead of and behind him in score standings receive a yellow circle. Players with the yellow circle will not receive points if they do not achieve a PERFECT (in a Finish Move, it reduces score by a percentage rather than the whole score).

Players can increase their score by playing “chance.” “Chance” can be activated by pressing the delete key or the “.” key on the number pad whereby red keys appear and players have to press in the opposite direction of the red keys.

At the end of the dance battle, the person with the most points is the winner. The player will have his character presented at the front of the stage. Each player will receive experience points and Den/BEATS according to what position they finished in.

If a single/group game (not including NPC, One-Two Party and Beat Up modes) is full, a random event (also called a mission) may occur. Bonuses are given if you accomplish these challenges. Some of the challenges are, but are not limited to: getting a specific beat judgment (e.g. no COOLs or no BADs), getting perfect combos (e.g. PERFECT X3), or getting a standing (e.g. getting number 1). The music can be random, random(new), or random from any range of tempos.



Kindly Check our Audition Next level Game Policy: http://bit.ly/ANLGamePolicy






Topup Guide

Playmall Top Up Guide

How to Top Up using PlayPark Card

1.Visit https://playmall.playpark.com/login.aspx and choose your login type.


*Note: AuditionNextLevel do not have Google ID Login.*

2. Choose the type of currency you wish to use and click Confirm. Do note that you need to wait for 60 days before you can change again your currency.


3. To top up your PlayID account, click top up button.

4. Click LevelUp and type the Card Serial and Password and click Top Up.


5. Once top up is successful, it will be credited to your account as PH Point (Assuming you selected PHP as your local account currency). Points purchased is valid for 365 days upon top up.


6. You may now convert your Points to Audition Next Level. Please do note that once your points are converted to game points already, you will not be able to refund the said points.

Click on the amount you wish to convert.


How to Top Up using PayPal

1.Got to Playpark.com and click on “Top Up”

2. You will be redirected to PlayMall.com. Scroll down and click on “Go to PlayMall”

3. Select your game account login type. *Note: AuditionNextLevel do not have Google ID Login.*

4. Key in your account credentials and click on “Log In”

5. Once you are in your account page, click on “Top Up”

6. Select Paypal PH

7. Select the amount you wish to purchase from the drop down menu, then click on topup

8. Transaction confirmation page will be shown, requiring you to proceed. Once the amount and other details are correct, click on “Confirm”

9. You will then be directed to the Paypal Check out page.  *Logon your Paypal account, or key in your card details if you don’t have an existing account

10. Select the payment method or card to be used for the transaction, then click on “Continue”

11. Paypal confirmation page will be shown. Click “Continue” to proceed with payment

12. The payment screen will be closed notifying a successful transaction. You will be returned to your PlayMall account page showing the new balance for the recent purchase.

Transaction History View

13. Lastly, you will receive an email notification to your registered Paypal email address.

**Note: Please don’t delete the email notification because this will serve as your official receipt.